Feroze Gandhi College

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फ़ीरोज़ गांधी कॉलेज, रायबरेली


(Estd.: 1960)

A U.P. Govt.- aided Post Graduate College associated with the University of Lucknow, Lucknow

'ज्ञान, शांति एवं प्रगति'

'Gyan, Shanti evam Pragati'

('Knowledge, Peace and Progress')

फ़ीरोज़ गांधी कॉलेज, रायबरेली


(Estd.: 1960)

A U.P. Govt.- aided Post Graduate College associated with the University of Lucknow, Lucknow

'ज्ञान, शांति एवं प्रगति'
'Gyan, Shanti evam Pragati'
('Knowledge, Peace and Progress')

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1. Poster- making and Speech Competition on Uttar Pradesh Day 2025- 24.01.2025

         A Poster- making and a speech competitions were organised for the students of the College by Cultural Committee of the College on the theme “Uttar Pradesh b n the Path of Development and Tradition” (“विकास और परंपरा के पथ पर उत्तर प्रदेश”) on the occasion of Uttar Pradesh Day 2025 on 24.01.2025. The programme was inaugurated by the Principal, Prof. Manoj Kumar Tripathi. Dr. Alka Singh, the Convener of the Cultural Committee and Dr. Shamini Srivastava, the Co- convener of the Cultural Committee played important role in organising the programme. Dr. Iqbal Yusuf Ansari, Dr. Kiran Srivastava and Mrs. Anita Bajpai served as the anchors and coordinators of both the competitions.

         Prof. U.B. Singh, Dr. Arvind Singh and Dr. Amish were the judges of the speech competition and Prof. B.D. Mishra, Dr. Shefali Srivastava, Dr. Garun Seth and Dr. Garun Seth were the judges of the poster making competition.

         Gaurav Singh, Aditi Singh and Subhash Pratap Maurya won the first prize, second prize and third prize respectively in the speech competition. Gayatri, Chahat and Shalini Kashyap won the first prize, second prize and third prize respectively in the poster- making competition.