Feroze Gandhi College

Current Date and Time

Current Date and Time

फ़ीरोज़ गांधी कॉलेज, रायबरेली


(Estd.: 1960)

A U.P. Govt.- aided Post Graduate College associated with the University of Lucknow, Lucknow

'ज्ञान, शांति एवं प्रगति'

'Gyan, Shanti evam Pragati'

('Knowledge, Peace and Progress')

फ़ीरोज़ गांधी कॉलेज, रायबरेली


(Estd.: 1960)

A U.P. Govt.- aided Post Graduate College associated with the University of Lucknow, Lucknow

'ज्ञान, शांति एवं प्रगति'
'Gyan, Shanti evam Pragati'
('Knowledge, Peace and Progress')

About/Founder President


Founder President

Feroze Gandhi
Founder President
Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli

                The Founder President of the College, Late Feroze Gandhi was an outstanding Parliamentarian, a freedom fighter, an educationist and a journalist. More than any other leader of his time, he truly represented the spirit of parliamentary democracy- the three most essential elements of the spirit of Parliamentary democracy – dissent, discussion and debate Few individuals have been able to significantly alter the course of Parliamentary history of a vast and diverse country like India as did Feroze Gandhi. Fewer still have been able to meticulously modify the traditional division of treasury and opposition benches regarding Parliamentary debates without a debacle. Hardly anyone can be credited with strengthening the three essential pillars of democracy through his unique contribution to press, Parliament and laying foundation stone for an institution of Higher Education. Feroze Gandhi was destined to accomplish all the three during his short life of just 48 years.

                Feroze Gandhi was born on 12.09.1912 in Bombay (now Mumbai) in a Parsi family. Son of Jahangir Fardun Ji and Smt. Ratimai, he got his early education in Allahabad and passed his High School examination in 1929 as a student of Prayag Shiksha Mandir, Allahabad (now Prayagraj). He took his maiden voyage to jail for one year during his participation in the National Movement in 1930. Afterwards, he went to London for his higher studies at London School of Economics and he returned to India in 1941. He was married to Indira Gandhi on 26.03.1942. He was arrested and sent to jail again for participation in Quit India Movement, 1942. His elder son, Rajiv was born on 20.08.1944 and his younger son Sanjay was born on 14.09.1946. Feroze Gandhi was appointed Managing Director in ‘National Herald’ in 1946. He represented United Province from 1948 to 1950 in the Constituent Assembly. He was a Member of Interim Parliament from 1950 to 1952. He represented Rae Bareli Lok Sabha Parliamentary Constituency from 1952 to 1960. As Member of Parliament of Rae Bareli Constituency, he established ‘Rae Bareli Degree College Education Trust’ on 26.06.1958 and laid the foundations of ‘Rae Bareli Degree College’ on 08.08.1960.

                During the period of 08 years over which he served as an M.P., he made Herculean efforts to pilot and get the ‘Protection of Publishing the Proceedings of Parliament Bill’ drafted, debated and passed successfully with thumping majority of both the Houses of Parliament on 26.05.1956. The Bill eventually led to the commencement of the process of live telecast of Parliamentary proceedings in 1989. His active initiation led to the nationalisation of 240 privately managed and least accountable private insurance companies and the formation of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) consequent upon the enactment of Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956. This proved to be a stepping stone for the successful nationalisation of General Insurance Company (GIC) in 1964 and two stage nationalisation of Commercial Banks in 1969 and 1980. Exactly a month after fulfilling his cherished dream of establishing an institution for providing the facility of higher education to the educationally and economically backward District of Rae Bareli, he left for his heavenly abode on 08.09.1960 as if the mission of his life was accomplished and as if the destiny had ordained him to do it. On 16.12.1961, in the memory of Late Feroze Gandhi, the College established by him was re-named in his memory as Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli.