Feroze Gandhi College

Current Date and Time

Current Date and Time

फ़ीरोज़ गांधी कॉलेज, रायबरेली


(Estd.: 1960)

A U.P. Govt.- aided Post Graduate College associated with the University of Lucknow, Lucknow

'ज्ञान, शांति एवं प्रगति'

'Gyan, Shanti evam Pragati'

('Knowledge, Peace and Progress')

फ़ीरोज़ गांधी कॉलेज, रायबरेली


(Estd.: 1960)

A U.P. Govt.- aided Post Graduate College associated with the University of Lucknow, Lucknow

'ज्ञान, शांति एवं प्रगति'
'Gyan, Shanti evam Pragati'
('Knowledge, Peace and Progress')



।।सरस्वती नः सुभगा मयस्करत्।।

      Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University (UPRTOU), Prayagraj is a UP Government funded and recognised University of Uttar Pradesh for imparting education to students via open and distance learning mode through its Study Centres located within the State of Uttar Pradesh which is its area of jurisdiction. UPRTOU is recognised by the Distance Education Council (DEC), Government of India, Distance Education Bureau of the UGC, National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and All India Council of Teacher Education (AICTE). Rajarshi Tandon Open University was established in the year 1999 under the UPRTPOU Act (Act10 of 1999) as a public university of Uttar Pradesh. UPRTOU functions through its 9 schools and offers UG, PG, Diploma and Certificate Programmes.

Objectives of UPRTOU

  1. The University shall promote dissemination of learning and knowledge through distance education system to a large segment of the population and shall, in organizing its activities, have due regard to the objects specified in the schedule.
  2. The University shall endeavour through education, research, training and extension to play a positive role in the development of the state, and, based on the rich heritage of the state, to promote and advance culture of the people of India and its human resources and towards this end, it shall.
  3. Provide access to higher education for large segment of the population, and in particular, the disadvantaged groups such as those living in remote and rural areas including working people, house-wives and other adults who wish to upgrade or acquire knowledge through studies in various fields.
  4. Promote acquisition of knowledge in a rapidly developing and changing society and continually offer opportunity for upgrading knowledge, training and skills in the context of innovations, research and discovery in all fields of human endeavors.
  5. Provide an innovative system of university level education, flexible and open, in regard to methods and pace of learning, combination of courses, eligibility for enrolment, age of entry, conduct of examination and operation of programs with a view to promote learning and encourage excellence in new fields of knowledge.
  6. Contribute to the improvement of the educational system by providing a non formal channel complementary to the formal system, by encouraging transfer of credits and exchange of teaching staff and by making wide use of texts and other software developed by the University.
  7. Provide education and training in various arts, crafts and skills of the country in general and the state in particular and simultaneously insure raising their quality and improving their availability to the people.
  8. Provide or arrange training of teachers required for such activities or institutions.
  9. Provide suitable Post-Graduate courses of study and promote research.

Mission and Vision of UPRTOU

    Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University will provide learner centric and value based education of high quality to all classes of Indian societies and Uttar Pradesh for all round inclusive development and for enhancing their knowledge and skill using methods of distance education.

  Working On The lines of the above, the University has set the following as its goals:

  1. To instil learner a desire for lifelong learning.
  2. To make higher education accessible and affordable to everyone.
  3. To develop learner centric distance education process which also helps them to engage with the community.
  4. To meet the emerging educational and training needs of the knowledge society.
  5. To collaborate with other Institutes/Universities of higher learning in effective implementation of distance education programmes.
  6. To make adequate use of the appropriate technology for creating a dynamic /interactive teaching environment.
  7. To network and forge partnership with industry and social organizations for developing professional course in order to fulfil their need of skilled manpower.