UPRTOU Study Centre (S- 442), Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli.

।।सरस्वती नः सुभगा मयस्करत्।।
1. Coordinator
- Dr. Sanjay Bhartiya
UPRTOU Study Centre (S- 442) - Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli.
- Mobile: 9452081941
- Email: sanbh999@mail.com

2. Assistant Coordinator
- Dr. Abhishek Singh
Assistant Coordinator
UPRTOU Study Centre (S- 442) - Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli.
- Mobile: +91- 8299776191
- Email: abhisheksinghrintu@gmail.com

The UPRTOU Study Centre (S- 442), Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli remains open from 04:00 PM to 05:00 on all working days. Contact classes and academic councelling sessions are held at the Study Centre as prescribed by the curricula and as per the requirements of the students. Term End Examinations (TEEs) of odd and even Semesters are held twice every year in the months of June and December at the UPRTOU Examination Centre, Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli.