Rovers and Rangers
College Unit of the Rovers and Rangers

The total sanctioned strength of the Feroze Gandhi Rovers Crew, having boys, and of the Indira Gandhi Rangers Team, having girls, is 24 each. Every year a five- day training camp for ‘Pravesh’ and ‘Nipun’ is organised in the College in which the Rovers and Rangers learn and demonstrate their skills at tent pitching, providing first aid to the injured, tying different types of knots to overcome difficult situations, cooking in camps, holding camp fires etc.and participate in various competitions. On the fifth and closing day of the annual camp, the “Deeksha Sanskaar”, cultural events and prize distribution ceremony are organised. In the end, a ‘Sarva Dharma Praarthhanaa’ is performed.
Apart from participation in the training camp, the Rovers and Rangers perform various duties in the events organised in the College throughout the year including on Independence Day, Republic Day and Annual Sports. They participate in various other social activities cleanliness drives and tree plantation programmes in the College campus.
Ranger Leader:
- Dr. Kiran Srivastava
- Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi
- Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli.
- Mobile: +91- 8787041265

Rover Leader:
- Dr. Ajay Singh Chauhan
- Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi
- Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareli.
- Mobile: +91- 9451068101